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2000 AD Prog 2093

2000 AD Prog 2093
Infernal Engines

Released 7th Aug 2018

Dan Abnett, Gordon Rennie, Kek-W, Rory McConville, James Peaty & Lawrence Rennie
John Burns, Mark Harrison, Andrea Mutti, Leonardo Manco & Karl Richardson
Chris Blythe & Eva De La Cruz
Annie Parkhouse, Ellie De Ville & Simon Bowland
Cover Artist
Karl Richardson


Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » A better class of criminal (part 3)

Mega-City One, 2140 AD. Home to over 100 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America. With unemployment endemic and boredom universal, tensions are always on a knife-edge. Crime is rampant, and only the Judges — future law-enforcers empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is The Law!

The Order » The New World (part 7)

Throughout history, mankind has been under threat of extermination by the Wyrms, creatures from another plane that systematically break into our reality. Defending humanity are the men and women of THE ORDER, a secret band of warriors that have fought the entities across the centuries. But the Wyrms have fractured time, noble robot knight Ritterstahl has been lost, and The Order themselves are splintering...

Tharg's 3rillers Present » Appetite (part 1)

Three episodes, one complete, self-contained story — a condensed hit of super-charged Thrill-power beamed to you directly from the Nerve Centre! Adrian Jones had always had a hunger for fame and fortune, and by setting up successful celebrity gossip site MrJones.com he’s on his way to achieving a certain level of notoriety. But he’s finding it unfulfilling, and has an appetite from something more substantial...

Mechastopheles » True Faith (part 2)

It is over a year since the Fall, when the demons rose and society collapsed, and humanity fights a daily battle in a world where hellish creatures stalk the land. A band of survivors have sought refuge in a demonically powered robot called MECHASTOPHELES, and they use this infernal ark as a means to seek sanctuary and find others that need rescuing. But Lord Mechastopheles is not easily controlled...

Grey Area » 86 (part 1)

The mid 21st century. Earth has a heavily armed defence network, and any ETs arriving on the planet are housed in the Exo Segregation Zone, known as the GREY AREA, which is policed by squads of Exo Transfer Control officers like Captain Adam Bulliet and his team — wife Birdy, linguist Kymn, weapons expert Feo, and alien transfer Resting Bitch Face. But Kymn and Bitch have been killed, and the team is getting back to work...


Part of: