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2000 AD Prog 2387

2000 AD Prog 2387
Bite Night

Released 19th Jun 2024

Arthur Wyatt, Dan Abnett, Kenneth Niemand, Mike Carroll & Geoffrey D. Wessel
INJ Culbard, Pye Parr, Jake Lynch, Dan Cornwell & Nick Percival
Chris Blythe & Jim Boswell
Annie Parkhouse, Jim Campbell & Simon Bowland
Cover Artist
Nick Percival


Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » Iron Teeth (part 6)

Mega-City One, 2146 AD. Home to over 200 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America, where poverty and overcrowding is rife and tensions run a constant knife-edge. Crime is rampant, and only future cops the Judges — empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law!

Rogue Trooper » Souther Belle (part 2)

Nu Earth, site of a galactic war between the Norts and the Southers, where use of chemical weapons has rendered the atmosphere poisonous. So the Southers created the Genetic Infantrymen, bred to be immune to the planet’s pollutants — G.I.s like ROGUE TROOPER, the last of his kind. Together with biochip buddies Helm, Gunnar and Bagman, they’re searching for the traitor that sold them out...

Brink » Consumed (part 10)

The late 21st century, and through environmental catastrophe and industrial overload Earth has been reduced to a wasteland. Mankind finally evacuated the planet in 2072 and millions were housed in a number of deep-space Habitats. But life on these cramped, overcrowded stations is tense, often spilling over into madness. Sects are rife, and Bridget Kurtis of the Habitat Security Division is investigating their reach...

INTESTINAUTS » Busted Flush (part 6)

For stomach upsets, future technology has developed nano-robots called INTESTINAUTS, who fight parasites in the gut. These micro-droids are ingested orally, then once their brave battle against the various horrors that can be found in the stomach is over, they take the Big Flush, ready to be uploaded back to headquarters, where their accrued knowledge of the enemy will help them in future missions...

PROTEUS VEX » Devious (part 13)

The far future. The centuries-long war between the Alliance and the Obdurate people is over, a conflict ended when the Alliance teleported a dying white dwarf star into the Obdurate system. Imperium agent PROTEUS VEX — who is operated by a flesh-pilot — became an enemy of the Alliance when he released info about past war crimes. In the wake of the war with the Scorchers, Vex is missing, presumed dead...