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Judge Dredd Megazine 472

Judge Dredd Megazine 472
Worlds at War

Released 18th Sep 2024

Roger Langridge, Kenneth Niemand, Ned Hartley, Liam Johnson & Brandon Esaton
Anthony Williams, Clint Langley, Neil Edwards, Jake Lynch, Dan Cornwell, Kei Zama, Conor Boyle, Mike Walters & Gary Welsh
Dylan Teague, Eva De La Cruz, John Charles, Jim Boswell, Matt Soffe & Jack Davies
Annie Parkhouse, Jim Campbell , Simon Bowland & Shawn Lee
Cover Artist
Jim Murray


Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » Nordland Rising (part 1)

Thanks to advances in Nort technology, War Marshal Josef Jaegir has used the black hole around which Nu Earth orbits as a means of invading other universes. Reaching out to Sov War Marshal Kazan, he’s joined forces with East-Meg One to subjugate Mega-City One, and in other realities the Norts have allied themselves with the alien Krool, the Geeks, the Volgans and the Nazis. It’s a war on all fronts, with Jaegir demanding nothing less than total victory. Meanwhile, Venus Bluegenes has used a d-jump device to hop between the universes and recruit fighters from the various affected realities – Bad Company, the V.C.s, Captain Constanta and his Fiends, Major Eazy – and brought them back to MC-1. Now, Dredd, Anderson, Rogue Trooper and Atalia Jaegir – rebelling against her father – have assembled strike-teams to go after the enemy...

Judge Dredd » Hit One: Kazan (part 1)

Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America is home to 400 million citizens, every one a potential criminal. With lawlessness rife, only the Judges can prevent total anarchy. These future lawmen are judge, jury and executioner. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd - he is the law!

Judge Dredd » Hit Two: The Traitor General (part 1)

Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America is home to 400 million citizens, every one a potential criminal. With lawlessness rife, only the Judges can prevent total anarchy. These future lawmen are judge, jury and executioner. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd - he is the law!

Judge Dredd » Hit Three: Josef Jaegir (part 1)

Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America is home to 400 million citizens, every one a potential criminal. With lawlessness rife, only the Judges can prevent total anarchy. These future lawmen are judge, jury and executioner. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd - he is the law!

Judge Dredd » Hit Four: The Lord Protector (part 1)

Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America is home to 400 million citizens, every one a potential criminal. With lawlessness rife, only the Judges can prevent total anarchy. These future lawmen are judge, jury and executioner. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd - he is the law!

Judge Dredd » False Witness (part 1)

Mega-City One, 2130 AD. This vast urban nightmare on the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America is home to 400 million citizens, every one a potential criminal. With lawlessness rife, only the Judges can prevent total anarchy. These future lawmen are judge, jury and executioner. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd - he is the law!

Pandora Perfect » inPerfect Sounds (part 4)

Earth, the far future. While the towering starscrapers and flying cars may make this look like some idealised Utopia, crime is still a major problem, and there’s no felon more wanted than the nefarious Pandora Perez — burglar, safe-cracker, armed bandit and all-round career criminal. The authorities may think they’ve finally managed to incarcerate her, but they’re reckoned without her loyal robot assistant Gort, who’s succeeded in breaking her out of her cell. With every cop likely to be on their tail, Pandora and Gort are going to have to lie low — plus there’s the problem of her ankle shackle, which will explode if she tries to flee...

Department K » Murder on the Transdimensional Express (part 1)

Mega-City One, 2142 AD. Justice Department has many divisions within it tasked with dealing with the various threats that face the metropolis. The psychic personnel of Psi-Division, for example, are at the forefront in the fight against supernatural foes, while TekDiv conducts all manner of experiments and develops advanced weaponry. The mysterious DEPARTMENT K is a branch of the latter, whose brief is to tackle interdimensional enemies that are seeking to break through the walls of reality. Ever since Judge Death’s appearance, Kirby and her team have been working on ways to keep Mega-City safe from further dimensional incursions...

Tales from the Black Museum » Shadow of Death (part 1)

Deep in the heart of the Grand Hall of Justice lies the Black Museum, Justice Department’s permanent exhibition of the relics from bygone crimes. Whether it’s a notorious serial killer’s trophies or the weapons of the Dark Judges, the violent history of the Big Meg is laid bare here. Let guide Henry Dubble show you around...