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2000 AD Prog 2223

2000 AD Prog 2223
The Root Of All Evil

Released 17th Mar 2021

Alec Worley, Roger Langridge, T.C. Eglington, Kenneth Niemand & Mike Carroll
Ben Willsher, Brendan McCarthy, Jake Lynch, P.J. Holden & Simon Davis
Len O'Grady, Quinton Winter, Jim Boswell & Jim Campbell
Annie Parkhouse, Jim Campbell & Simon Bowland
Cover Artist
Simon Davis
Reprint Cover Artist
Mike Carroll


Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » Who Killed Captain Cookies? (part 3)

Mega-City One, 2143 AD. Home to over 160 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America, with the irradiated wasteland known as the Cursed Earth to the west. Unemployment is rife, boredom universal and crime is rampant. Tensions rest on a knife-edge and only the zero tolerance Judges can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law!

Tharg's 3rillers Present » Nakka of the S.T.A.R.S (part 2)

Three episodes, one complete, self-contained story — a condensed hit of super charged Thrill-power beamed to you directly from the Nerve Centre! The UK, sometime in the near future. Inspector Nakrosky is a veteran law-enforcement officer of the Space Taskforce Armed Response Squad, a grizzled hold-out from an age before robots, aliens and clones. But despite being an anachronism, he’s still a good copper…

Thistlebone » Poisoned Roots (part 3)

Britain, 2020. It’s been over a year since journalist Seema Chaudry accompanied cult survivor Avril Easton back to the village of Harrowvale, the site of her terryifying experiences at the hands of Jasper Hillman’s THISTLEBONE worshippers, a crazed occult group that believed in an ancient woodland deity. Intended as a cathartic experience, both women were changed forever by what they were confronted with...

PROTEUS VEX » The Shadow Chancellor (part 11)

Another galaxy, the far future. The centuries-long war between the Alliance and the Obdurate people is over, a conflict brought to an end with the deaths of billions when the Alliance teleported a dying white dwarf star into the Obdurate system. Imperium agent PROTEUS VEX was charged with finding Chancellor Rho 7 Baryon, and when the flesh-pilot that controls Vex entered Baryon’s body he absorbed some of his memories...

Durham Red » Served Cold (part 11)

Late 22nd century. Of all the mutants that have operated as Search/Destroy agents, perhaps the most feared is vampire DURHAM RED, who requires blood to survive. Mistrusted by both the criminals she hunts and her fellow Strontium Dogs, Red has a formidable reputation that precedes her, and she will often kill her quarries as much as capturing them to satisfy her thirst. Now, though, she’s a wanted felon herself...


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